Better Teacher Than Books
Better Teacher Than Books Is the world of Nature a better teacher than books? It is difficult to agree with William Wordsworth’s view that we should quite reading books and devote our time in enjoying the beautiful world of Nature. It has often been said that the habit of reading books creates a certain set of attitudes that are indispensable to make us happy in life. On the other hand, William Wordsworth takes a different view as he says in his famous poem “the Tables turned” that we should quit reading books and enjoy the beauty of the world of nature: Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books; Or surely you'll grow double: Up! up! my friend, and clear your looks, Why all this toil and trouble? Wordsworth is quite right that reading books makes our life sedentary. He further adds that if we pass our time in appreciating the beauty of ‘vernal wood’, we will be able to get full knowledge of morality and the difference between right and wrong, fai...