
Showing posts from February, 2021
  exploring inner terrain looking for nonduality: walking with Buddha fleshly worldliness everywhere in view: lacking gratitude to god-almighty earth groans and remembers our dreadful fate
 small acts of charity the soothing shade: angels are here in the blue heavens dove dances and sings: thunderstorm is imminent
 rejoicing in dante's mount purgatory escaping from life's trivia journey to world of glory never fear divine light of soul fight with faith: moral universe of plato
  my advancing age pines for blessed shade of   righteous persons: dwelling place of almighty creator we thirst for that great sun transcendent heavens tranquility of monk
 haiku about peace and understanding one more underground nuclear test preys on my mind: wisdom only trough nonkilling no human rights violation no aggression causing death: culture of   peace
  hearts seized by love and peace transform dehumanized souls: laying foundations of   virtue immortal person of light regenerates human organs: faith finds ways to beat death hjärtan beslagtagna av kärlek och fred förvandla avhumaniserade själar: lägga grunden till dygd odödlig person av ljus regenererar mänskliga organ: tron hittar sätt att slå döden
 finding peace amid living waters leaving behind hell fire so merciless: divine woman is my guru seeking fearlessness protecting freedom: quest of celestial shores Guru is guiding light or spiritual teacher
    defeating labyrinth of vice I escape to my treasure, my pearl honor the truth first imitating a dove I mind my own business: a cherub helps me
 haiku about the world of light paradise is wherever is virtue terrorism is absent all kind hearts dwell here amidst sadly forlorn days I burn again I search god’s abode kindly help thy fellow-servant
  on the highest summit angel I implored grant me thy light and glory: darkness now flying away   smallest act of kindness key to paradise reward of righteousness
 inner world well-anchored dwelling in heart monastery rich in true joy stormy sea threatens to sink our boat: father of greatness saves us
  Two haiku about the god soliloquy since the day you beheld god of love no evil shall ever touch you: sons and daughters of light I was yours the moment you said no to satan: angels will come and attend you Due haiku sul soliloquio del dio   dal giorno in cui hai visto il dio dell'amore nessun male ti toccherà mai: figli e figlie della luce   Ero tuo nel momento in cui tu ha detto no a satana: gli angeli verranno e ti serviranno Due haiku sul soliloquio del dio dal giorno in cui hai visto il dio dell'amore nessun male ti toccherà mai: figli e figlie della luce Ero tuo nel momento in cui tu ha detto no a satana: gli angeli verranno e ti serviranno Due haiku sul soliloquio del dio dal giorno in cui hai visto il dio dell'amore nessun male ti toccherà mai: figli e figlie della luce Ero tuo nel momento in cui tu ha detto no a satana: gli angeli verranno e ti serviranno
  st. casimir pregò tutta la notte dormiva sul pavimento anima in viaggio il suo vero re era dio nessun artificio di potere per il principe polacco siamo con te siamo con te st. casimir prayed all night slept on the floor soul on the journey his true king was god no artifices of power for polish prince we are with you we are with you
  glorious the moment supreme being is kind: an ideal world is created   in vain you search ship of light is not there: true god is unknowable glorioso il momento l'essere supremo è gentile: viene creato un mondo ideale invano cerchi nave di luce non c'è: il vero dio è inconoscibile
    angels dwell in secret places contemplating on world enlightenment: breezes here are sacred   god’s abode   not in temple altar of gold and jewels: all the heavens are within you gli angeli dimorano in luoghi segreti contemplando l'illuminazione del mondo: le brezze qui sono sacre dimora di dio non nel tempio altare d'oro e gioielli: tutti i cieli sono dentro di te    
  thou hast helped me poison failed to devour me: calming effects of pearl journey inward on the path of life pursuing mystery of light hidden sanctuary behind waterfalls
 amid journey to stars thrown in fire several times: way to paradise begins in tribulation fearless golden fish swimming  perilous shark infected waters: all the wisdom of the world
 king of kings I do miss how hard I strive: lifetime wish to see his face today is wedding day sing psalms wear pearls rejoice in marriage of the lamb
 god created white flower  teaching love and peace: in order we may be blessed nearest to ruler of  the world perfect souls sing in harmony giving birth to virtue
 the more we pray the more throne of grace helps: looking for rivers of joy forgiving all persons heals my broken heart: quest of the pearl
 innermost heart calls us to altar such wisdom father of truth: choosing peace over chaos destruction of candor sweet tongue but evil mind: forms of tyranny
 something magical happened at last divine voice was heard: soul nourished I was near him little wanderer around deep cosmos in quest of safe cavern
 praying in the early dawn trance creates stigmata flowers calling for reverence brighter than nymph smile of gentle raindrops: angels in disguise
  feeble lamb unafraid of army of wolves miracle of god’s presence helping the cherubs   imitating a dove mind your own business: reflection on olive branch
  queen of the river sings hymns to god: Sign of people living in peace   storm follows storm offering my gratitude at the altar: pain disappears and joy appears
  angels dwell not in altar our breath is his abode: every person is his temple   amid pulsating grief and chaos I search god’s abode in planets or void
 feeling awe in his presence never deserts us in labyrinth of mind: faith will make us free making peace with our enemies taking care of  poor relatives: life becomes little bit of paradise