
Showing posts from November, 2023
Harden not your feelings sort out differences peacefully starting life anew praying is bliss possible to tame devil of waste love and love again this pleases god most buys fighter zets talks of sermon on the mount satan unveiled
  Let God arise plotting to destroy earth war-monger entirely mistaken heaven instructs us to live in peace again we search hidden face of hatred assassin invisible near advance of hell fire insane things happening liars need to be humble
 Lord's mercy endures forever a thousand search we know not terrorist whereabouts assuredly perturbing chemical warfare awaken the earth, O God the innocent slain on streets a vice, an evil here pray for a world without senseless violence
Escape to fountain of life  practicing nonfighting for twenty days  may become our habit new beginning not injuring any person costs us nothing everlasting dream worst thing about modern age lies and deceit all those centuries s
Holy sages purge our transgression away  please god take our pain away war is not something normal we are lost forever peace seems difficult it will take time more joy in woods than city virtue is put to death all of us pray there is no more armed conflict
Let thy mercy come unto us  innocent civilians dying constantly ignorant fighting explains itself earth sinks in deep mire peace prophets help the afflicted meadow smiles again save the righteous, my best friend let thy will dear god spread message of compassion floods overflow us, and angels understand
 When no person cares centuries ago goodness\ our fortress now ignorant fighting leaves us assaulted trust it is a last war all day long contemplating solitary hills and flowery vales prayer for peaceful days of old I have faith in holy angels reappearing and staying with us afflicted with terrorism