
Showing posts from May, 2024
 linger in the presence of angel of righteousness darkness and dreadful scene disappear prophet and holy saints guide us to the world of light evil person has not yet looked at frowning bioterrorist conspiracy all gentleness and joy of meadow perished devil's fearful voice was heard afar 
 devil intends to deceive us conspiracy to start nuclear war survival of the race is at stake giving place to evil arch fiend advances  green meadow disappears lawless delight has laid us low we cannot even sleep answers to buddhas suddenly vanished a
 let brotherly friendship continue god well pleased with acts of charity devil cannot stray us into evil godly walk with prophet striving for word of truth satan unable to bedevil us lifetime's prayer and heavens rejoice profane sinners are punished we surely know angels are here
 each night terror on savage road flood of vengeance trust our children have a place of refuge I heard a voice saying prophets tread the path of virtue prayer is god's delight love and compassion there you have key of paradise infallible vision