
Showing posts from 2025
 ignorant armed conflicts trouble and anguish oppress us the righteous wait upon thee let heavenly pity fall on us living in tents of wickedness ceaseless drought of compassion violence follows violence satanic hatred sheds innocent blood some fatal choice
 beyond the noise of busy crowd we find fountains of peace are within where terrorists vex not god is our refuge makes our way perfect protects us from strong enemy
 atomic assault horror of horrors the perverse are snared by the transgression tender mercy of god protects the righteous deadly planet another monster one more country goes nuclear buy fighter zets oblivious of sermon on the mount depths of hell
 defending the poor and fatherless we shall stand before merciful god departing from evil the house of the perverse never flourishes and it is over one more country goes nuclear unaware of wolf at prey prophets suffer more and more generation to generation
 prophet waits for god's presence miracle will happen regaining paradise of truth prayer ceaseless I remember amid nuclear war the wicked are torn angels preserve the righteous
 the meadow in the morning fresh green lap out of reach for terrorist whenever there is crisis god pours out his wrath on the beast of earth
 tribulation terror is over we need dependency on god earth full of joy the unbelieving unrepentant mount a new offensive against lord's statutes
 again the wicked walk on in darkness with more information about   new ways of killing hidden face of hatred assassin invisible insane things happening possible to subdue satan of waste love and love again god brings us out of prison
 darker fears keep afflicting an angel whispered on the hill say your prayers again earth needs  love and peace satan would not allow it whatever the seraphs destined it is wise to obey wisdom and truth there
 wisdom survives in prophet's word god rewards the righteous our valuable jewel singing bird towering in heaven so cheerful fleshly bones live in sorrow