Poetry and 'a continual extinction of personality'
Poetry and 'a continual extinction of personality'
If the poets follow T.S. Eliot's dictum, and keep their personality away during the moments of composing the poems, they may well become the idols of intellectuals; some might become immortal like Eliot, Pound, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens. Who can forget the poems of Kenneth Patchen, Muriel Rukeyser, Elizabeth Bishop, Babette Deutsch, Richard Eberhart, Theodore Roethke, Randall Jarrell, Delmore Schwartz, Robert Lowell, Richard Wilbur.
The mysticism of these American poets' inspiration and symbolism of their vision is extraordinary. The poets like Bob Dylan, Donovan, Simon and Garfunkel, Richard Farina and others have put English poetry on a new strength and beauty, due to "a continual extinction of personality".
Great poetry is never creating chaos of personal emotions. Restraint of emotions is indispensable for genuine poetry.