Postmodern Peacemakers
Postmodern Peacemakers
How shall we all lament!
Half dead with fear I tremble
The unthinkable has happened
Doomsday of Nuclear holocaust is here
Enola Gay at 8:15 we forget
We don’t know what we are doing
Flesh melts and falls
Bones melt and melt
Blood roars and roars
The sun was warm before explosion
Now a thousand radiation pains
And a billion dreams bleed
See that humble, bright boy William
Watching TV cricket match
For patriotism and national defense
For waging Peace
Burn him up
To keep our prestige alive
The poets colony
Where light workers unfeared live
And love cuckoo, swallow and sun
Kill them. None of them will complain
Amy and Agatha
Only nine weeks old
Boil their organs
For national defense we will do it
For waging war for Peace we will do it
We are postmodern Peacemakers
How shall we all lament!
Half dead with fear I tremble
The unthinkable has happened
Doomsday of Nuclear holocaust is here
Enola Gay at 8:15 we forget
We don’t know what we are doing
Flesh melts and falls
Bones melt and melt
Blood roars and roars
The sun was warm before explosion
Now a thousand radiation pains
And a billion dreams bleed
See that humble, bright boy William
Watching TV cricket match
For patriotism and national defense
For waging Peace
Burn him up
To keep our prestige alive
The poets colony
Where light workers unfeared live
And love cuckoo, swallow and sun
Kill them. None of them will complain
Amy and Agatha
Only nine weeks old
Boil their organs
For national defense we will do it
For waging war for Peace we will do it
We are postmodern Peacemakers
Nuclear nations are preparing for nuclear war for their patriotism and national defense. They are unaware that a nuclear war will result in the annihilation of our earth and civilization.