
Showing posts from July, 2019
Mother's Selfless Love No doubt, mother's love for her children is the noblest kind of love and unsurpassed in highest beauty.It is quite apt to call such mother the best philosopher and teacher of mankind. Louise Glück says in the following highly inspiring lines: There is always something to be made of pain. Your mother knits. She turns out scarves in every shade of red. They were for Christmas, and they kept you warm A motherly woman is always full with affection and human kindness.
Haiku to fill us with Soothing Thought ignoble existence  turned into a great joy: murmuring river nearby
Haiku about Beauty of Love don't hate abandoned human beings treat them as equals: it makes them a treasure
Haiku about the Admiration of  Rembrandt: The Three Crosses jesus crucified between two thieves divine light around virgin mary weeping and weeping
Haiku about Power of Sacrifice lofty speculation inspired by calvary colossus tragedy inner eye knows the truth Haiku about the Admiration of  Rembrandt: The Three Crosses jesus crucified between two thieves divine light around virgin mary weeping and weeping
A Morning Haiku on Nature blest by faith meadow beauty with grasses loved by flora and fauna 
haiku about objects of  nature loving one another proud valley enjoys pleasant tune of deep river music
Hopeful in a Dark Time sacred gestures vision follows vision; rich spiritual harvest listening rhapsody of soul holy ghost promises second coming   
5-7-5 syllables and haiku  better haiku burst of awakening not counting of syllables
Never Stop Thanking God It is a universal truth that all of us should be grateful to the Almighty Lord for all His blessings and mercy to us. This view is founded upon the conviction that His infinite love flows through the whole world. Our each breath is sustained and nourished with His great kindness. It will be a grave error of perspective if  we argue that God wants something in return from us .It is our pious duty to thank  Him ceaselessly for His great mercies to us.  The immortal quote by  William Arthur War  inspires us to offer thanks to our Benevolent God: " God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you"?"
haiku of new joy and zen enlightenment summer shade kisses the shrine: the joy of love aimless mind inner turmoil and abyss: zen monk aware of soul revival
E. E. Cummings' Love for God The following lines by E. E. Cummings inspire us with his sincere faith in God: i thank You God for most this amazing day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes It is well-known that Cummings was quiet innovative and unconventional in his poetic style, but the above quote leaves no doubt in our mind that his attitude toward life was traditional and spiritual. 
3 Golden Rules for living a Healthy Life 1. Deep breathing is indispensable for good health. The best way to maintain good health is to breathe in positive emotions like love, peace, gratitude, serenity, hope, and exhale hate. We along with our family members will certainly flourish under such positive feelings. 2. Just find a quiet place and concentrate on the nose-tip or middle of the two eyebrows. The mind is always restless and wandering in so many aimless directions. It has been advised by several yoga scriptures to provide our mind a seat to rest upon. Meditating on an object like sun, moon, stars, heaven,birds, water gives us peace of mind. 3. Ceaseless chanting prayer always gives peace of mind, and we are able to have better sleep. There are different forms of prayer. We may chant inwardly:  God, have mercy on us. It is good if we inhale God or any other name of God with which we feel comfortable and at ease, and exhale 'have mercy on us'.
Inner Sanctuary If with humility we enter our inner sanctuary, his precious voice we listen whenever we do acts of mercy or compassion wherever is truth and wisdom we feel god is there we learn talking to god like children talking to parents
Secret Life walking into the woods adoring sacred twilight the best poet's habitat hunger for the infinite deeply pleasurable a conversation with stars and moon no discussing with it proust or sartre avoiding precipices for a while
The Universal  Truth of  Life The following famous quote by Ezra Pound reveals the transience of  life: And the days are not full enough And the nights are not full enough And life slips by like a field mouse Not shaking the grass. After reading the above lines, it is clear that Pound has heightened our solitude in a very intense and poignant manner. The universal truth is that we are all mortal, and our life 'is not full enough' to accomplish our mission and aim fully.
The Middle Way to Enlightenment The following incomparable lines by Ovid reveal the great significance of the middle way between    extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification. Buddha too emphasized the benefits of practicing the middle course to attain enlightenment: My son, I caution you to keep The middle way, for if your pinions dip Too low the waters may impede your flight; And if they soar too high the sun may scorch them. Fly midway. haiku about heart's wisdom revive tolerance and innocence this alone is our true self our true world
God's presence with us What an extraordinary quote by Aeschylus! The following lines make us aware of God's presence with us, always comforting us: But when a man speeds toward his own ruin, a god gives him help. haiku about paradise possible on earth paradise on earth benevolent impulses instinct to give and share
haiku to revive our memory of sages and word of god year after year crime, perversion everywhere: learn from sages to survive tower divine built by love: each stone is god's word
haiku of hope amid loss or pain long suffering wounds down our bloodstream: after winter, golden time again thousand petal lotus in crown center: buddha meditates under bo tree
haiku of  supreme prayer and nuclear war synchronize prayer with your heartbeat: one step closer to salvation phone is ringing near nuclear plant: blindfolded war games  
haiku about grace of god strengthening us night of terror down-pouring of blood: grace of god if we are alive savior is watching through every camera: on the other side of the river
haiku of hope when we feel wrecked fighting disease with ceaseless praying: life-enhancing remedy dewdrops and flowers a hiding place for us: wandering in distress
haiku of prayer and morning dew true prayer begins in tears and ends in tears and we hear his voice morning dew playing instrument of love: unaware of suicide bomber nearby
haiku about wisdom and goodness of  a believer whatever I have whatever I am it is yours, not mine remember grace granted to believer freely by the lord's mercy doing a generous thing better than nihilism: aware of his presence nearby
haiku of  loving our enemies possible to conquer the devil give thanks ceaseless be grateful to wounds on savior's breast better to pray for our enemies holy spirit our shield silent prayer our friend
The Truth of Mercy in Addison's significant quote No doubt, each act of mercy is an angelic quality. This is a divine spark that transforms savage animals. This is quite visible in the following quote by Joseph Addison: When all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view I'm lost, In wonder, love and praise.
haiku of sacrifice and surrender God tests us in the fire of sorrow we should never worry All our tribulation is grace of the Almighty Lord doing good to others better to suffer if that's His will Jesus journey to Golgotha saying goodbye to all comforts inspired by the holy will Self sacrifice to pay ransom for our sin and violence matchless act of sacrifice and surrender
haiku to fill us with joy and rest in order to relax Love calls us deep to our knees: soul is preserved In the middle of the glade stands a tree decked with flowers: there is nothing lacking
haiku to remove hatred and sadness A million enemies and no fear: looking into ten commandments The quieter the prayer the faster the music: birth of love
haiku to increase our delight and worthiness The return of spring sings savior savior: ceaseless prayer Angels live on earth they say their prayer and do acts of kindness
haiku on blessed mood Life is too short to sing all thy praise: feeble sheep complains Desolate person offers himself into god's hands: inner peace here
haiku of worship Altar light near burning bush: deeper every day Monk walking alone invited by fairy land in blue deep heaven:
haiku about divine quest inner mind  to journey together with buddha: quest for nonduality enduring the worst times in life alone: night rider