Ariel: New Haiku

Ariel: New Haiku

"Like fishing, to catch haiku you have to go where they are. Unlike fish, haiku are everywhere. Still, you have to know the secret places out in plain sight where they hide and how to get there quickly and quietly.'-Jane Reichfold

blood of the rose

perfume stronger than all things

cross, be thou my sun

brook water dances

it has legs-

subtle motion

a lone wide moor

solitary sparrow sings

the song is my poem

express train racing

through heavy rain

little boy imitates

snowy hills

keep me alive

daily life obstructs

melodious song

bird warbles with ease

forgets to tell us why

mystery of galaxy

communes with me

i steal pleasure

flash of lightning

delays the moon

afraid of thunderstorm

heavy steel plane

drops the bomb-

pure air stares

rain drops on

orphan child’s cheek

love mixed with tears

noise polluted world:

bird’s music

oases in the desert

two hearts

single emotion-

something burns there

glitter of child’s eye

empowers her-

mother caressing


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