The Victory of the Empty Tomb

The Victory of the Empty Tomb

Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

                                                                                                                     for Terry Collett


O unhappy time!
O stupid men! That praise terrorism and violence.
Wherefore did God create the earth
And crystal rivers, celestial moon and sun
Soothing mankind selflessly
To teach Man ethics sublime.
And sent angels to spread Love and Peace.
Alas! In the unhallowed Iron Age
Vice goaded by false science
Entices Innocence, and violence
Seems to triumph


'Midst dismal dungeons horrid.
Surely I trust in the Second Coming
Chaos ere creation
Points to a golden reincarnation.
Faith is all we need
To convert the ferocious Devil
By Ten Commandments.
Let us expound sacred maxims
To a spiritually sick world
Let us destroy the nuclear bombs
To bring Eden on earth.


Terrorism may crucify Christs
New Christs rise again
Since God resurrects them
And hurls His mighty spells
Rendering violence ineffective and futile.
Cnew chrrucified Lambs
Are born again and again
Till the violent Dragon
Ceases to spit its murderous terror.
Hecate will die tired
By such ceaseless resurrections.


With Easter wings
Rising from the tomb
Worship the empty tomb
Where Jesus lay
The tomb is empty
He is risen
He is not there
His righteousness saved Him
He is risen
He conquered death.


Imitate the sacred fire
Of Christ's sacrifice.
The Devil bellow'd "I've killed the Lamb."
False, Jesus never dies:
The tomb was empty
And He reappeared to
Mary and Seven Disciples.
How many Lambs you kill? O tyrant Hunter!
Lamb rises again
Lamb rises again.


  1. Jesus never dies. The tomb is empty. Jesus is risen. He has conquered death.


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Faith in the Almighty Lord creates love, peace, brotherhood, inner joy, patience, humbleness, righteousness, kindness, and self-restraint.These good qualities alone can protect our world "where ignorant armies clash by night".

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