
Showing posts from August, 2010

Poetry for the Inner Ear: cuttings:three-word haiku

Poetry for the Inner Ear: cuttings:three-word haiku : "cuttings:three-word haiku sun disappears ..."

cuttings:three-word haiku

cuttings:three-word haiku sun disappears armageddon reverence unconquerable jesus ectocornea palaeozoology academia volitational antigravitational depopulating unhistrionic idiomatically nonparallelism orphans illiteracy india subtle images metaphysical sacred prophecy resurrecton godlike pursuit eternity radiance artisticminds rene allen gather all giveaways pointless article barren plastic comment zero NOTES 5-7-5 format should not be mandatory for writing haiku. This is my first three-word haiku. The above last four haiku are about

Reading Myself: one-line haiku

Reading Myself one-line haiku “English-language haiku tend to be written in three lines, corresponding to the metrical division of Japanese haiku, but Japanese haiku are actually usually printed in a single vertical column. By way of analogy with this form, poets such as Matsuo Allard and Marlene Mountain began writing English haiku in a single horizontal line—and thanks to their efforts that form has become established in English as the major alternative to the typical three-liner.”-Allan Burns 1 open the strait gate to find endless beatitude 2 i drop the mask as I converse with cross 3 silence of evening is pious time 4 the great war ends and pestilence comes 5 wandering monk grows up doing nothing 6 simply my real self will make me live 7 adore jesus with your every breath 8 in the kingdom of jesus don’t abuse me 9 red rose feels lost in madding crowd 10 virtue is nailed at the cross, and Barabbas goes free 11 better than ...

No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle

No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle A person who is fundamentally honest doesn't need a code of ethics. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are all the ethical code anybody needs. - Harry S. Truman for Bernard C., Katryn D., Brenda Youngerman 1. No jargon of Plato, Aristotle No Nietzsche No Kant Only simple truth I have in mind Solid truth Sermon on the Mount takes care of us 2. No Freud, no Marx I find the key A golden key There it is Ten Commandments Nuclear powers will shiver They don’t know what they are doing 3. What are you waiting for How far away from truth you are The solution , find at last Think of the Ten Commandments Beautiful earth is paralyzed Because you don’t remember Sermon on the Mount Because you don’t remember Ten Commandments Come home out of dragon’s trap Come home 4. You say: we cannot waste time I told you we have...

Ariel: New Haiku

Ariel: New Haiku "Like fishing, to catch haiku you have to go where they are. Unlike fish, haiku are everywhere. Still, you have to know the secret places out in plain sight where they hide and how to get there quickly and quietly.'-Jane Reichfold blood of the rose perfume stronger than all things cross, be thou my sun brook water dances it has legs- subtle motion a lone wide moor solitary sparrow sings the song is my poem express train racing through heavy rain little boy imitates snowy hills keep me alive daily life obstructs melodious song bird warbles with ease forgets to tell us why mystery of galaxy communes with me i steal pleasure flash of lightning delays the moon afraid of thunderstorm heavy steel plane drops the bomb- pure air stares rain drops on orphan child’s cheek love mixed with tears noise polluted world: bird’s music oases in the desert two hearts sing...
This I Remember "I had rather be in hell with Christ, then be in heaven without him."-Martin Luther for Rene Allen, Terry Collett 1. Everything has been reflected upon Except how to live To clear the dread, the absurd, the alienation- The frozen sea within us- One cataclysmic moment we need. We need to see our Pilot To resolve the existential qualm. 2. Only by prayer Find your true self True identity Marijuana nor lycerjic acid Nor morning draughts of wine Only with bowing before God’s altars The lamb and the lion shall lie together 3. Come, let us lit a candle Outside our home Offering prayers for peace True. There is man slaughter Terrible blood bath Pile of corpses six feet hgh in Rwanda How desperately to thee I call, Jesus Virtue is better than vengeance Being awak’d I have to gain Faith and Hope, O tro...

This I Remember

This I Remember "I had rather be in hell with Christ, then be in heaven without him."-Martin Luther for Rene Allen, Terry Collett 1. Everything has been reflected upon Except how to live To clear the dread, the absurd, the alienation- The frozen sea within us- One cataclysmic moment we need. We need to see our Pilot To resolve the existential qualm. 2. Only by prayer Find your true self True identity Marijuana nor lycerjic acid Nor morning draughts of wine Only with bowing before God’s altars The lamb and the lion shall lie together 3. Come, let us lit a candle Outside our home Offering prayers for peace True. There is man slaughter Terrible blood bath Pile of corpses six feet hgh in Rwanda How desperately to thee I call, Jesus Virtue is better than vengeance Being awak’d I have to gain Faith and Hope, O tro...

This I Remember

This I Remember "I had rather be in hell with Christ, then be in heaven without him."-Martin Luther for Rene Allen, Terry Collett 1. Everything has been reflected upon Except how to live To clear the dread, the absurd, the alienation- The frozen sea within us- One cataclysmic moment we need. We need to see our Pilot To resolve the existential qualm. 2. Only by prayer Find your true self True identity Marijuana nor lycerjic acid Nor morning draughts of wine Only with bowing before God’s altars The lamb and the lion shall lie together 3. Come, let us lit a candle Outside our home Offering prayers for peace True. There is man slaughter Terrible blood bath Pile of corpses six feet hgh in Rwanda How desperately to thee I call, Jesus Virtue is better than vengeance Being awak’d I have to gain Faith and Hope, O tro...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle

Poetry for the Inner Ear: No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle : "No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle A person who is fundamentally honest doesn't need a code of ethics. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on..."

No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle

No Jargon of Plato, Aristotle A person who is fundamentally honest doesn't need a code of ethics. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are all the ethical code anybody needs. - Harry S. Truman for Bernard C., Katryn D., Brenda Youngerman 1. No jargon of Plato, Aristotle No Nietzsche No Kant Only simple truth I have in mind Solid truth Sermon on the Mount takes care of us 2. No Freud, no Marx I find the key A golden key There it is Ten Commandments Nuclear powers will shiver They don’t know what they are doing 3. What are you waiting for How far away from truth you are The solution , find at last Think of the Ten Commandments Beautiful earth is paralyzed Because you don’t remember Sermon on the Mount Because you don’t remember Ten Commandments Come home out of dragon’s trap Come home 4. You say: we cannot waste time I told you we have no other way Be righte...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: The Jesus I Knew

Poetry for the Inner Ear: The Jesus I Knew : "The Jesus I Knew I thank God for the honesty and virility of Jesus religion which makes us face the facts and calls us to take a man's p..."

The Jesus I Knew

The Jesus I Knew I thank God for the honesty and virility of Jesus religion which makes us face the facts and calls us to take a man's part in the real battle of life. Henry Van Dyke for Eugene aronsky, Evalynn J. Saeyang, Rene Allen, Lisa Frost i. Shielding eyes with His grace Staying close to Him Disarm angry devil Stolen by Satan Soul-retrieval With Jesus ii. Unlocked gate: A few deep breaths with Prayer Reaching the top Casting off mud Forgetting scratch marks Starting at zero I pray iii. twin towers fell Ocean of tears Breach in nature Boundless darkness. Refilling the mind with Ten Commandments Shanti Shanti* Golden age revisits the earth NOTES Shanti is Peace that transcends understanding.

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Faith for Living

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Faith for Living : "Faith for Living 'An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the ange..."

Faith for Living

Faith for Living "An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."- Luke 2:9-12; 13-14 i. The Holy Spirit came down upon the Prince of peace And the top of heaven opened Thus anointed and seized by sacred power He was ready To die & be an infallible human sacrifice. Visible to his disciples after his resurrection Jesus became one mediator and a future ransom For the human society Having subjects from all ends of the planet. ii. Imparting life to the perishing world Even to the dead by calling them out of their Tombs and graves Christ spoke: Hear, oh hear, suicide terrorists and war-mongers! Only the righ...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: One Cheer for the Believers

Poetry for the Inner Ear: One Cheer for the Believers : "One Cheer for the Believers God designed the program of prayer as an ‘apprenticeship’ for eternal sovereignty with Christ.-Paul E. Billheim..."

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Making Something of Ourselves

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Making Something of Ourselves : "Making Something of Ourselves Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.The effectual fervent pra..."

Making Something of Ourselves

Making Something of Ourselves Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. -- James 5:16, The Holy Bible                                                                                              for Brenda Daverin, Lynda F. i. The greatest thing is Prayer Faith passes into action. No doubt. God answers Prayer Learn to trust. Always pray, and not faint Earth needs revival of prayer World-wide prayer Weeping war...

One Cheer for the Believers

One Cheer for the Believers God designed the program of prayer as an ‘apprenticeship’ for eternal sovereignty with Christ.-Paul E. Billheimer                                                                                             for Ann Marcaida, Shelbia C. i. O Lord the humble won’t inherit earth Unless for their humbleness they fight Fighting fighting fighting fighting O lord protect our meekness O Lord protect Fighting ii. Slaughtering the innocent Washing the blood off their hands And working for the univ...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: LITERARY FACTS

Poetry for the Inner Ear: LITERARY FACTS : "LITERARY FACTS 1. Saul Bellow is the only American author to win three National Book Awards, th..."


LITERARY FACTS                                            1. Saul Bellow is the only American author to win three National Book Awards, the Pulitzer Prize, and the Nobel Prize (1976). 2. Saul Bellow was married five times. 3. Robert Frost died in Boston on January 29, 1963. 4. Robert Lowell (1917-1977) was winner of three Pulitzer Prizes. 5. Ernest Hemingway, winner of the Pulitzer Prize (1953) for his masterpiece The Old Man And The Sea, and Nobel Prize for literature in 1954, committed suicide in July 2, 1961. 6. William Faulkner (1897-1962), one of the greatest American novelists, was rejected by U. S. Army for being underweight and too short ( 5 feet 5 inches). 7. Samuel Becket’s poem WHOROSCOPE (1930) has seventeen footnotes. 8. When Becket...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding: The Battle...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding: The Battle... : " The Battle Against Disease (Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding by Dr. Dhirendra Verma & Dr. Ali M..."

Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding: The Battle Against Disease

                                      The Battle Against Disease (Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding by Dr. Dhirendra Verma & Dr. Ali Mohamed EI-Sayed, Rochak Publishing, India 2008, pp. 243 $ 29 Hardback, ISBN: 978-81-903812-2-2) Dr. Dhirendra Verma and Dr. Ali M. EI-Sayed in the Preface point out that disease classification and coding is the principal tool used by medical records personnel to understand the patient’s total situation. No doubt, this comprehensive guidebook on International Classification of Diseases ( ICD-10 Coding) with detailed explanations, suitable examples and appropriate coding exercises is indispensable for doctors and medical records personnel for better comprehension. Both authors have a wide experience as they have organized training programmes and workshops o...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: The Victory of the Empty Tomb

Poetry for the Inner Ear: The Victory of the Empty Tomb : "The Victory of the Empty Tomb Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but what foundation did we rest the creations o..."

The Victory of the Empty Tomb

The Victory of the Empty Tomb Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. -Napoleon Bonaparte                                                                                                                      for Terry Collett ...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Danoski's 'Mansion of Madness'

Poetry for the Inner Ear: Danoski's 'Mansion of Madness' : "Danoski's 'Mansion of Madness' (SHOCK WAVES:Letters from the Edge Published by Vantage Press, New York, 1987, pp. 55, $6.95 ISBN 0-533-0728..."

Danoski's 'Mansion of Madness'

Danoski's 'Mansion of Madness' (SHOCK WAVES:Letters from the Edge Published by Vantage Press, New York, 1987, pp. 55, $6.95 ISBN 0-533-07281-6, Hardback) Shock Waves: Letters From The Edge is Joseph V. Danoski’s first collection of poems, under his pen name, Jonathan Konrad. The poems reveal ‘the strange and inverted world’ of Danoski, ‘poet of the nuclear age’. The first poem, and one of finest in this collection, describes that the poet is “a stranger with stranger ways”: I’m the most charming of charmers When people play the game I say, Or a soldier in my armor- Standing so close yet so far away (“The Dead of Night”, p. 1) Some of the most striking effects and shock waves the poet creates through subtle incongruities: Let us live the living night, Do the dance of dark delight: Give your life To live the rite Of the living night! (“The Rite of the Living Night”, p. 5) Danoski’s “Mansion of Madness” is blended “with gardens of grandeur”. The poet is ...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: A Popular Evaluation of Tiger Woods

Poetry for the Inner Ear: A Popular Evaluation of Tiger Woods : " A Popular Evaluation of Tiger Woods Tiger Woods (b.1975), the winner of 16 World Golf Championships, PGA Player of the Year ten times, e..."

A Popular Evaluation of Tiger Woods

 A Popular Evaluation of  Tiger Woods Tiger Woods (b.1975), the winner of 16 World Golf Championships, PGA Player of the Year ten times, earned about $110 million from winnings and endorsements. He is an undeniable force in Golf Championships. He has more career major wins and career PGA Tour wins than any other active golfer. He is the youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam, and the youngest and fastest to win 50 tournaments on tour. Woods is only the second golfer, after Jack Nicklaus, to have achieved a career Grand Slam three times.His ethnic make-up is quite interesting. Woods is “half Asian (one-quarter Chinese and one-quarter Thai), one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch" (“Earning His Stripes". AsianWeek. ). Tiger Woods, admitted that he had been unfaithful to his wife, declared "an indefinite break from professional golf”. Woods has been banned from dating until his imminent divorce from wife Elin Nordegre...

Poetry for the Inner Ear: This Side of Paradise

Poetry for the Inner Ear: This Side of Paradise : "This Side of Paradise 'If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it s..."

This Side of Paradise

This Side of Paradise "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." -Romans 1:17 i. Christ told the Poet "Find a fresh landscape of Peace kissing our planet- it will happen As God with compassion unravels the knot, Annihilates nuclear weapons. In bottomless pit you are by choice: Discover Beatrice in your soul's purgatory, O soon, very soon hear The voice of Holy Witness. At early dawn, noon and dusk All hours, hear the voice. ii. Unto Devil you give away your divine jewel And Evil grows auguring end of mankind: 'Tis time you scolded the Devil Thriving in your cowardice. I weep and pray- Father is witness to it- But I'm sworn, O Poet, To save the earth, If the nuclear war breaks out. iii. I revived the Dying Son in Capernaum I healed the man in Bethesda I feed Five Thousand with five loaves of bread I...