Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding: The Battle Against Disease

                                      The Battle Against Disease

(Principles & Practice of ICD-10 Coding by Dr. Dhirendra Verma & Dr. Ali Mohamed EI-Sayed, Rochak Publishing, India 2008, pp. 243 $ 29 Hardback, ISBN: 978-81-903812-2-2)

Dr. Dhirendra Verma and Dr. Ali M. EI-Sayed in the Preface point out that disease classification and coding is the principal tool used by medical records personnel to understand the patient’s total situation. No doubt, this comprehensive guidebook on International Classification of Diseases ( ICD-10 Coding) with detailed explanations, suitable examples and appropriate coding exercises is indispensable for doctors and medical records personnel for better comprehension.

Both authors have a wide experience as they have organized training programmes and workshops on ICD in Kuwait and other countries during the past 25 years. In the study of illness and death, the statistics generated by Disease Coding “contributes to better management of health care”.

The authors rightly say that these medical statistics are very useful for “clinics & hospitals, offices of vital & health statistics, medical records offices, social welfare and insurance organizations, health surveys, World Health Organization, and numerous other agencies”. By Disease Coding, we can hope to effectively cure different ailments and diseases afflicting an increasingly large number of people. How will this be done?

The answer is quite clear. We would be able to know the full history of the patient’s disease with the help of record retrieval created by Disease Coding. The doctors in future may have correct answers to all diseases as they have full record of the patient’s disease. The writers aptly clarify with an illustration. “An example would be hypertensive renal disease. Suitable coding would allow all relevant cases of this condition to be identified quickly and effectively."

Another example is from Morbidity Coding. The term morbidity includes ailments and injuries. Morbidity data is collected from hospital records, school health records, armed services records, and health surveys. Such data will provide clues to the disease, and the decisions can be easily made about preventive measures.

Every person-regardless of station, race, or creed has the right to proper medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. ICD-Coding by revealing the patient’s total situation will be of great help in achieving our goal of human happiness and well-being.

This is one of the most brilliant books written about health care with practice of ICD-10 Coding. This will prove to be one of the most influential books of contemporary times in the field of health care with its great emphasis on retrieving record of the patient’s disease wth the help of ICD-10 Coding. There is not much doubt in my mind that in future by this action and technique of Disease Coding the incurable diseases like cancer and AIDS may be fully controlled.

Realizing the great importance of Disease Coding in creating a world free from diseases and ailments, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed new code sets to be used for reporting diagnoses and procedures on health care transactions. Under the proposal, the ICD-9-CM code sets would be replaced with the ICD-10 code sets, effective October 1, 2013.

For a good many years, the healthcare managers, medical records aministrators and doctors will remember this illuminating book. This is an indispensable book for them.

-Santosh Kumar




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