
Showing posts from March, 2022
 Leading life uprightly always doing the right thing emblem of happy warrior Gentle and averse to killing this is perfect will of  almighty god let us be true to each other with brotherly love New wonders rise with our creator's grace we are just, honest and virtuous we shall regain paradise
 Generation to generation great and good people struggle to make our planet happy in every way Angel loves only the person willing to suffer day by day imitation of savior is true salvation Let children grow up nourished by meekness humility alone can save us from being wiped out
 Perverse hearts sink in deep mire delight in war and fruitless clashes peaceful persons correspond unto divine will Favored by prophet full of wisdom and understanding triumph of  righteousness 
  And we are here as on a darkling plain Where ignorant armies clash by night. Matthew Arnold Fearing the lord dearest wise counselors hope to prevent war From infected battlefield we take refuge and meditate  in the holy statutes
 This machine age exults in vain pride of  atomic weapons indifferent to sighs and groans of wisdom tree All people are in peril no one to soothe us taste every joy that peace will give
All we are saying is give peace a chance.John Lennon  Worst evil violence  dark night of atrocities will never end unless people destroy bullets out of gun Anywhere everywhere we need to have mercy   the choice is compassion or war
And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man. William Wordsworth  Murderous ambition pursuing revenge indiscriminate killing Finger on the nuclear button destroyer of worlds end of civilization
 I trust pride and violence will lick the dust  unhallowed claws of barbarism fail to touch the faithful tutored with piety Winter nights unkind where shall I find my home hounds of  war and ruin are in view
 I sing and pray for new world of peace and love awful moments and ignorant armies One gets right to kill innocent people  hear sacred quiet voice of  conscience finer influence of inner life
 Escaping from battle I thought killing other person never god's will better to converse with inner self daily Day after day sorrow and pity ministering angel wants us to survive
 storms of sin all around nuclear war game begins hope gentle spirit present within us will help better stay at home than  kill in a battlefield god urges us again don't be evildoer