
Showing posts from February, 2022
   There are evils that have the ability to survive identification and go on for ever ... money, for instance, or war. Saul Bellow Horrid face of war we failed to rely on god's will and grace and now  have only to die The second coming greatest thing to happen now tears come to our eyes as you vote for war
From peace quite abandoned missile bomber crew giving fresh shock Deadlier than love of money war turns us into beasts earth now in vast abyss
   “There never was a good war or a bad peace.”   ‘little boy’ atomic bomb regardless of plighted women and children harmless most fearsome sight in Hiroshima all the earth wept better to depart from snares of death let heavenly pity fall on the ignorant
" War is what happens when language fails. horrors of the restless world eternal drought of compassion living in tents of wickedness for warmongers no angel’s food doors of heaven never open only god’s wrath and radioactive fallout
  For never, never, wicked man was wise. Homer going inside the cave to worship angel spoke to god: paradise on earth painful unrest among nations even our enemies at peace with us strength of humility
  heavenly fire frightens the beast deceiving ignorant people indifferent to god’s word god’s ultimate mission holy angel will roar and nuke war will be averted
  from one war to another whips of satan and we succumb to devil in the bone to investigate vicinity of holy water prophet resurrects phone is ringing near nuclear plant
  nuke infinite warfare degradation of human beings sin against merciful creator unafraid of dreadful fate gentle and averse to killing the solitary wanderer is praying and not giving up