
Showing posts from May, 2023
 Lennon  knew what to do give peace a chance Hiroshima understands
  remedy of our depression golden key of humility live and let live
  Again devil's warning we need angel new dawn as well
  Braving all adversity endlessly sending message of love over ignorant earth rainbow of hope appears again
  Instead of seizing the villain I long to forgive the enemy delight in conciliation
  Adoring our angel Praying for global peace and brotherhood compassion to the helpless person in despair the role of  god's messenger no danger of nuclear winter \divine grace protects us if we are believer forever satanic forces tempt and enslave us let us suffer and receive the spirit demon of violence and hatred flees away 
Hope through the stormy deep  All praise thee thou art philosophic light keeping earth safe Several nations hate war devil in midnight tricks the ignorant choose violence near the borders demon of abyss morn to night sudden murders  higher power will take vengeance
Lamentation and hope I thought of British India 1943 2.1 million died from starvation far away the catastrophe human beings created my heart afflicted with pain unable to bear depression soothsayer's voice was heard tragedy won't happen again earth needs revival of love and kindness radiance of humanism
Through peace is our planet safe  avoiding mischievous person searching for peace on god's earth believing word tells everything deep sunk in fear of  increasing violence striving to be righteous lifetime's struggle false alarm, an accident nuclear exchange sermon on the mount or  total destruction
By wisdom shall the earth be filled  rose blooms in another world pale morn is afraid suicide bomber hiding in cave kissing pleasant groves watched by angel thanking more and more the living lord in murmuring water righteousness and world peace together understand each other one blessed day nations sing for joy