
Showing posts from March, 2024
 golden key to paradise holy sages say forgive them who crucify you things will be better tomorrow prophet's word our true home and delight enemies are at peace with us pestilence conspires in darkness terrorist dwindles and perishes consumed by god's wrath
 in the beauty of holiness prophets find creative power and truth the rock of their refuge never kill any person that which you kill is like yourself that which you hate is like yourself holy sage's acute vision climbing divine stair an angel a few yards away
 visualize an angel inflexible in faith a miracle happened from that day devil didn't threaten me not afraid of darkness father my shield and fortress with prayer I persevere prophet's word to help orphans and oppressed heavens rejoice and we ascend paradise god satisfies us with his mercy
 battle will begin to protect the faithful wise prophet our helper to strengthen  city of  brotherhood and equality  for peace and harmony  to discover paradise within no deceit or hostility angels of god appear unto us spiritual revival will happen
 dangerous wolves behind me prostrate at my angel's feet I humbly tell him what I need thunderstorm day everyone was home prophet amid piercing tempests prayed more and more force divine attracts holy sage contemplating birth and rebirth searching about father in paradise of light
 easiest thing to do little acts of compassion and love this is the way we ascend paradise prophet's special vision we need fighting avarice, hatred inside us incredible wonders will soon take place sacred sound an angel spoke help orphans and poorest noblest truth here
thrown to the wolves I didn't stumble with grace of god prophet appeared to me in dream I heard his voice love all human beings garden walk with holy sages key to wisdom and understanding a new world of peace