
Showing posts from November, 2020
 ancient monastery high mountain meadow near me: hundred year old monk smiles from darkness to light journey with buddha in a meditation cave
 nuke bombers threaten heading toward world war 3: this will devastate planet moment by moment kindness in all situations: god's will for all of us
  unable to hear birds chirping storm alone I hear storm of lockdown   thanksgiving in days of grief tiny acts of kindness perfect offering to god
  honor truth in a kind heart however painful your storm is: darkness is flying away   one pointed awareness nowness of now meditation is quite right
 world history full of wars: to grief we come by disdain and revenge indifferent to yesterday's blunders living in the present moment: zen habit
 oasis of hope: philosophic books teach us never quit without struggle pounded by virus outbreak today is hour of pain pray for a better tomorrow
 ruthless brutality on earth the innocent among assassins: we are unworthy of lord's love full of ecstasy praying to avert nuclear war: tibetan buddhist yogi
 glorious treasure house: enjoying eternity in each moment living in the present nuclear winter all life destroyed: give peace a chance
 sermon on mount inspires peacemaker avert third world war: global apocalypse sunshine of our lives my sure support little singing bird
 insane nuclear war ghastly death staring us in the face: we need peace and love crooked warmongers live  doing tricks unaware of mercy:  something satanic about it
 thunder terrible winter's awful hour: little girl shuts the door flowery lovely greens change cruel barbarian: a life style
  hemingway* strong at broken places enlightened by tribulation in our corrupted time   devil comes with bitter ends disease strikes earth no rest but in blessed love * The Nobel Prize in Literature 1954 was awarded to  Ernest Miller Hemingway
 haiku about unseen power, grace and an ideal of  interior harmony even on darkest hour hope for peace of mind within olive grove of   grace   ever soft and fair inward harmony of soul never fears cruel tyrant