New Inventive Language

All greatest  poets,  through poetic symbols (The French poets are leaders in such type of poetry), visionary trances and metaphors are successful in confronting the inner and external realities. These poets reveal that poetry is more than common metaphor and analogies, and their poems reach deeper. We will not find in  poems, which are full of monotonous dreams and vague fancies. Through a wise use of metaphor, the immortal poets  are s capable to create ome extraordinary compositions revealing the bitter truth and realities of the new millennium.
            Dryden (1631-1700) pointed out: “There may be too great a likeness, as the most skilful painters affirm, that there may be too near a resemblance in a picture; to take every lineament and feature, is not to make an excellent piece; but to heighten the beauties of some part, and hide the deformities of the rest…the employment of a poet is like that of a curious gunsmith, or watchmaker; the iron or silver is not his own, but they are the least part of that which gives the value; the price lies wholly in the workmanship.” This wise observation by one of the greatest English critics proves that a wise use of metaphor and ‘workmanship’ is indispensable for writing great poems.
                      Pound had recognized the significance of new inventive language and forms:
                       It was you who broke the new wood.
                       Now is a time for carving.
                       We have one sap and one root…                                          
                                       -‘The Pact’, Lustra (1915


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