The Devil Self-conceited

The Devil Self-conceited

In Hiroshima many years ago
The heavens were clear and birds chirping.
Nuclear bomb exploded
Quoth Satan ‘‘Behold my power’’
“Nonviolence is power” retorted the Prophet.
“Why, I can annihilate earth.”
“Excuse me…”
“Yes, oh yes. This alone is power.”
“Certainly not.”
“ I’m stronger than God.”

“Nonsense. You are morally perverted.”
Should I narrate the discussion futile further?
Why was the Devil self-conceited?
Well, here’s the sum and substance:
Satan thrives on our disobedience to the Word
The Devil says-
"TNT* tons* & tons
Billion tons
Nuclear missiles piled on missiles
Yes, look! I’m alive again
After Aug 6, 1945.
Hail, terrorism!
I’ve conquered!
I assert frankly
Lamb can’t defeat Tiger.
Do I fear God?
Never. Nations belligerent
Obey my commands
Explode nuclear bombs.
Human organs boil away
And the planet vanishes.
O sweet Firestorms!
Who instigates me? I don’t know."


TNT: A high explosive
TON: A unit of weight


  1. This a narrative poem. The dialogue is between the Peace Poet and Satan. Morally depraved Satan threatens to launch nuclear attack. Will the Devil defeat the Lamb?


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Faith in the Almighty Lord creates love, peace, brotherhood, inner joy, patience, humbleness, righteousness, kindness, and self-restraint.These good qualities alone can protect our world "where ignorant armies clash by night".

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